Attention! This job posting is 3319 days old and might be already filled.
Findworker February 9, 2016
Job Type


I am looking for dental technician who will work as a service-man in maintanance and repairs of several dental clinics in Kopenhagen and Odense. Technician needs to have experince in handling all repairs and servicing of chairs, compressors, suction motors and pumps, dental lights, foot controls, water systems, dental arms, trays, model trimmers etc.
Job for a long term, salary of 170 dkk/h brutto, paid accommodation, 108 – 140 hours per month, paid accommodation (4000 dkk/mth). Salary nett 6000 PLN – 8000 PLN netto / month. Trial period for 3 months, and then for unlimited period. Possible holidays in Poland every 2-3 weeks for 10 days. Must speak communicative English language and have own car. Cadidates interested please send CV at email with annotation in suject: “dental technician to Denmark”