Feb, 16
We need a pipe fitter welding in TIG, work form tomorrow (Wednesday) to Norway Bergen, departure tommorrow at 9:00 am from the airport Gdańsk. We are looking for pipe fitter who knows well isometric drawing, however, with the ability to weld 141 and with important certyficates on TIG, required Norwegian tax number, Hotwork. We are looking for people who can go on Wednesday at 09:00 of Gdańsk.
Required English language communicative.
Working for a longer period, the rate of 175 DKK / h gross (72 zł / h nett) monthly salary of approx. 17,500 zł net, free accommodation and air transport. The agreement with the Danish on Danish conditions. Depart in the morning so please call only those people who would be interested in such a departure tomorrow.

Feb, 15
We need urgently 1 welder 141/ pipe fitter to go today to Norway (Haugesund), flight tommorrow at 10:00 am from the airport Gdańsk. Working for a longer period, the rate of 175 DKK / h gross (72 zł / h nett) monthly salary of approx. 17500 zł net, free accommodation and air transport.
Requires a valid certificate of welding 141 for black steel and steel
The flight today, so please call only those people who would be interested in such an outlet today. The work tomorrow morning. work experience: Ability to weld 141 and work as a pipe fitter required Norwegian tax number, Hotwork. We are looking urgently person because another worker at this place did not show up today, unfortunately, at the airport.
The agreement with the Danish company under the terms of Danish, work for a longer period- 220 hours per month or more. Contact Daniel Jurkiewicz tel 535177277

Feb, 11
I am looking for 1 pipe-fitter that also welds 141 to weld in black steel, job in Bergen, for a long term, provided free accommodation and free flightS from Poland to Norway and back – salary 175 dkk/h brutto, MONTHLY SALARY 16500 pln netto/month. Flight on Friday. Candidates interested please send Cv at email danieljurkiewicz12@gmail.com

Feb, 10
I am looking for 2 welders 136 to work in shipyards in Skagen or Svendborg – repairs of ships. Job for a long term, salary 153 dkk/h brutto, paid accommodation, monthly nett about 12.000 PLN netto. Must speak communicative English. Good if candidate has own car. Caniddates are requested to send Cv at danieljurkiewicz12@gmail.com with annottation: "welders 136 to repairs in Denmark"

Feb, 10
I am looking for 3 hulls-platers to ship repairs in shipyards in Skagen and Svendborg. Job for a long term, salary 153 dkk/h brutto, paid accommodation, monthly nett about 12.000 PLN netto. Must speak communicative Englsih. Good if candidate has own car. Caniddates are requested to send Cv at danieljurkiewicz12@gmail.com with annottation: "hulls-platers to repairs in Denmark"

Feb, 09
I am looking for dental technician who will work as a service-man in maintanance and repairs of several dental clinics in Kopenhagen and Odense. Technician needs to have experince in handling all repairs and servicing of chairs, compressors, suction motors and pumps, dental lights, foot controls, water systems, dental arms, trays, model trimmers etc.
Job for a long term, salary of 170 dkk/h brutto, paid accommodation, 108 – 140 hours per month, paid accommodation (4000 dkk/mth). Salary nett 6000 PLN – 8000 PLN netto / month. Trial period for 3 months, and then for unlimited period. Possible holidays in Poland every 2-3 weeks for 10 days. Must speak communicative English language and have own car. Cadidates interested please send CV at email danieljurkiewicz12@gmail.com with annotation in suject: "dental technician to Denmark"

Feb, 08
I am looking for a welder 136 with valid certificate 136 FW BW >3mm for job in shipyard Skagen. Job for a longer time. Salary 153 dkk/h brutto, paid accommodation (3000 dkk/mth). Candidates interested please send CV at email: danieljurkiewicz12@gmail.com with annotation "welder 136 to Skagen"

Feb, 08
We are looking for 2 hulls-platers for repairing of ships in shpyard in Skagen, Denmark. Job for a longer time, salary 153 dkk/h brutto + paid accommodation (3000 dkk/mth). Candidates interested please send applications at danieljurkiewicz12@gmail.com with annotation in subject: "hulls-plater to Skagen"

Feb, 05
I am looking for 1 indepenedent hulls-plater to work in Skagen, job for a long term. Offer 153 dkk/h brutto, paid accommodation (3000 dkk/month). Working is repairs of ships. Needed plater with a car. Going to Denmark on 07.02.2016 with second plater. Candidates interested please send appliation at danieljurkiewicz12@gmail.com

Feb, 05
I am looking for 1 welder 131, for welding alumnium in Norway. Job for a long time – 10 months, salart from 175 dkk/h brutto, working 220 hours per months, free accommodation, free tranport from Poland to Norway and back. Work in workshop. Candidates interested please send application with valid certificate at: danieljurkiewicz12@gmail.com with annotation: "welder 131 aluminium to Norway"

Jan, 29
I'm looking for 2 grinders welding in 136 to work in Denmark, work for a longer period of time. The basic rate of salary DKK 153 / hour gross (approx. 65 zł / h net) + allowances for night work + Feriepenge.
Working in finishing windmills in Denmark. Candidate must have experience as a grinder in finishing and welding in method 136 and gouging. Welding certificate required 136 FW BW> 3mm, English commuicative.
Working in two modes: in morning and the second shift (this option is available only for the first 1-2 months of work).
Monthly number of hours 148 hours (for second change, 15:30 – 1:30, Monday – Thursday) or 155 hours of work (for the first shift, Monday – Friday, 3 weeks of work per month). Accommodation paid (3,000 DKK / month). The monthly net salary is 11,500 PLN net for a night shift and PLN 8,500 net for a day shift (the amount after deducting the cost of accommodation).
The holiday allowance Feriepenge 12.5% of gross salary (approx. 1100 zł-1700 zł / month net).
Working for several months or longer.
Departure on Sunday 31/01/2016, work from Monday 01.02.2016.
Candidates interested please send your application danieljurkiewicz12@gmail.com marked "grinder welder 136 to Denmark"

Jan, 21
We need 3 vegetables pickers to Finland – picking of lettuce, tomatoes, cucumbers, work in the fields and greenhouses – for Finnish agricultural business. Work near Turku. Required communicative English. Working 5/1, working 8 hours a day, 160 hours a month. Working almost all year (more intense work in seasons). The salary 8.19 EUR / h net, but the employee pays for accommodation (deducted from the salary of 120 or 200 Euros, depending on the standard of accommodation). The average monthly net salary, after deducting the costs of accommodation are net of EUR 1,250 (5000 zł net)
Accommodation in fully equipped. The contract with Finnish on Finnish conditions. The salary comes with holiday allowance in the amount of 12.5% of gross salary. The required language is English communicative and driving licence, good if have own car. The cost of transport is beared by employee. The employee must commute from accommodation to the workplace. Candidates interested please send your application danieljurkiewicz12@gmail.com with subject "vegetables pickers to Finland."

Jan, 17
We need 2 more welders to finishing wind-towers to Denmark. Long term job. Needed valid welding certificate 136, exerience in finishing wind towers, arc air gouging, weling on x-rays. Salary 153 dkk/h brutto, paid accommodation (cost: 100 dkk/day). Avarage monthly salary 12.000-13.000 PLN/month netto. Candidates interested please send appliation at danieljurkiewicz12@gmail.com with annotaion in subject: "welder 136 wind towers Denmark"

Jan, 14
We are looking urgently 15 electricians to work in Germany with the installation of electrical construction container – container created for refugees from Syria. Working for a longer period of time. It is required tax number Dutch SOFI. Employment on Dutch conditions. Working from Monday 01.18.2016. Working in the western Germany, close to German-Holland border.
The basic rate of € 10/h Net + free accommodation. Dutch company also offer free accommodation in the Netherlands, but it reached as much as 100 km from the place of work, but when choosing this option for his work rate changes at 11 EUR / h net.
Work 8-9 hours per day from Monday to Friday, the average monthly net salary is 7000-7500 PLN. Working for several months. In the last 2 months, we sent 16 technicians to make container business – now we need for this project electricians. Obligatory Sofi number, so if the candidate does not have that number will not be taken into account upon departure. Candidates interested please send CV at email address danieljurkiewicz12@gmail.com with subject "electrician to Germany with SOFI number"

Jan, 11
I am looking for 4 experinced steelfitters for setting up steel halls in Holland (different cities). Work for a longer time, salary 10 EUR/h nett, free accommodation. Fitters need to have experince with setting steel halls and need to have valid SCC or VCA certificate. Start work from 18.01.2016. Candidaates interested please send application at danieljurkiewicz12@gmail.com with annotation in email: "steelfitters to making steel halls Holland"

Jan, 11
We are looking for 1 fitter/welder 136 who will work with cutting out plates for forms and frames and welding wind towers. We need experienced fitter who can also weld and has valid certificate 136 FW BW >3mm. Salary 153 dkk/h brutto, paid accommodation 100 dkk/day, work for a longer time in Denmark. Candidates intersted please send your applications at email danieljurkiewicz12@gmail.com with annotation "fitter/welder 136 for wind towers"

Jan, 11
We are searching for 2 welders 136 to work in Denmark with wind towers – air arc gouging, fixing bad welding, welding with X-ray checking, making wind towers finishing. Work for longer time. Salary 153 dkk/h brutto, paid accommodation 100 dkk/day. We need valid welding certificate 136 FW BW >3mm and experince with welding wind towers. Candidates interested please send applications at email danieljurkiewicz12@gmail.com

Nov, 04
Looking for fitters to install container construction with drywall – gypsum, laminated PVC and mineral wool, work in Germany for a period of 1 year.
The work has a period of 1 year. Possible trips to Poland every 6-8 weeks (7-10 days in Poland)
Required experience when installing drywall, PVC and installation, as well as German language communicative, moreover, VCA or SCC certificate (mandatory), welcomed the Dutch No. Sofi.
The salary of € 10 / hour net or EUR 400 net at 40 hours per week, per month approx. 180-200 hours. Accommodation free of charge, also paid by the employer insurance. The average monthly net salary is 7,500 PLN net-net zł 8400. In addition, the money paid holiday of 8%. Employment by the Dutch company on the Dutch conditions. Payments paid every week by the Dutch employer.
They have to take the trip a couple of tools (only small tools to work) to work ie screwdrivers, saws, etc. Working from Monday 11.09.2015, travel this weekend. The cost of transporting the employee. You need 1 car for 3-4 employees, because of the distance from the accommodation to the workplace.
Candidates interested in that job offer, compliant and available for the trip this weekend please send CV to email danieljurkiewicz12@gmail.com with subject in email "Fitter for plasterboards and PVC in Germany".
I will contact only selected candidates.

Nov, 04
I am looking for 2 concrete steel carpenters to work in Amsterdam, in a project of building Hyatt Hotel.
They need to be all-around workers, experinced with working as fixers, finishing, also wood works. Needed good English language, own 1 car for 2 workers. Salary 11 EUR nett/h + free accommodation near Amsterdam. 40-60 hours of work per week. Planned job for 5 months. Good if having VCA and SOFI number, Candidates are requested to send applications at danieljurkiewicz12@gmail.com w annotation put in subject "concrete carpenters to Amsterdam"

Oct, 19
I am looking for 2 supervisors to offshore projects that will be in charge over groups of 30-50 welders 135/136/138. Should be familiar with WPS. Should know about (stricter) offshore rules, as production is acc to that. These are offshore constructions, maritime projects. Project is held on in Holand, Tilburg, for period of 1,5 year, attractive salary, provided accommodation. Cadidates are requested to submit Cv at danieljurkiewicz12@gmail.com with subject : "supervisor for welders offshore project"