Jun, 20
Job in Denmark – Velno – for 2 welders 135 immediately, work start on Wednesday morning, welding steel structures for transport wind towers, job for 3 weeks, the rate of 153 DKK / h gross, paid accommodation (100 DKK / day) . Requires a valid certificate 135 fw bw, good English, 1 car for 2 persons. Weekly 50-60 hours of work, the average wage for three weeks of work 8000-8500 PLN net, after deduction of the cost of accommodation. Candidates interested, please send application at email danieljurkiewicz12@gmail.com

Jun, 04
We are looking for 135 welder to work in Denmark, Thisdet – at the beginning of the 4 weeks of work. Working also as a blacksmith – straightening steel, required experience, knowledge of technical drawing, GOOD (fluent) English. Average monthly netto salary 11000-12000 PLN net + accommodation. The agreement with the Danish company, work on Danish conditions. Possible to work longer.
required a valid certificate 135 f bw
experience in welding 135, as well as a blacksmith – straightening sheet metal bending, required a good knowledge of technical drawing
required very good knowledge of English.
Candidated interested, please contact us at email danieljurkiewicz12@gmail.com with annoattion in subject "welder 135 blackmith good English".

Jun, 03
I am looking for 3 welders 135/136 to work in Esbjerg in workshop, job for 4 weeks, on nightshifts 17:00-05:00. Salary 153 dkk/h brutto, paid accommodation by workers (100 dkk/day). Needed communicative English and own car for 3 welders. Candidates please send applications at email danieljurkiewicz12@gmail.com

May, 26
I am looking urgently for 2 experinced welders 136 to come to work in Denmark in shipyard Skagen. Welding and working with old ships (repairs). Required 1 car for 2 welders, valid welding certificates 136 fw bw, communicative English language. Start from Friday/Saturday 27.05-28.05. Job for 1-2 months or longer. Salary 153 dkk/h brutto, paid accommodation (100 dkk/day). Avarage monthly salary after deducting of cost of accommodation 11000-12000 PLN/mth netto. Candidates interested in this job offer are requested to send application at email: danieljurkiewicz12@gmail.com with annotation in subject: "welder 136 to shipyard Denmark"

May, 21
I am looking for 1 welder 135 / blackmisth to Denmark, Tiesdet. Job for 4 weeks or longer. Required valid 135 FW BW welding certificate, good English, own car. Salary 153 dkk/h brutto + paid accommodation, avarage salary 11500 PLN-12000 PLN/mth netto. Candidates interested are required to send application at email: danieljurkiewicz12@gmail.com with annoattion in subject : "welder 135 to Denmark"

May, 13
I am searching for 1 welder 138/136 with own car to Denmark to weld wind towers (best if person has experience working in company GSG Towers in Gdansk). It is needed that person is experienced as 136 welder, has valid welding certificate 136/138, has experience with also assembling frames and cutting holes, very strict x-ray welding checkings. Required own car and good English language. Job for 2-3 months, 200-220 hours per month, salary 153 dkk/h brutto, free accommodation. Avarage salary per month 13.000-14.000 PLN/mth netto. Candidates interested in this job offer please send their applications at email danieljurkiewicz12@gmail.com with annotation in subject: welder 136 to wind towers Denmark"

May, 10
I am looking urgently for 1 welder 141 who has experience also in working as pipe-fitter to work in Norway, Tønsberg for 3 weeks or longer. Start on 11.05 or 12.05 – needed valid TIG certificates, driving licence and good English language. Salary 153 dkk/h brutto, free accommodation, free flight from Poland to Norway and back. 50-60 hours per week, avarage salary for 3 weeks job about 10.000 -11.300 PLN netto. Candidates interested in job please send application at email danieljurkiewicz12@gmail.com with annotation in subject: "welder 141 to Norway"

Apr, 13
I am looking for 1 welder aluminium , welding methods 131 or 141, for groups 21, 22,23 to work in Denmark, Vojens for 5-6 weeks. Job with salary 153 dkk/h brutto , paid accommodation (100 dkk/day). Monthly salary 11.000 zł netto. Candidates intersted are requested to send application at email: danieljurkiewicz12@gmail.com with annotation: "aluminium welder to Denmark"

Mar, 21
I am looking for 10 welders 141/111 to work in Stockholm, Sweden .They need to be able to work also as pipe-fitters – heat energy industry. Needed valid welding certificates for black and stainless steel. Job for 6-8 weeks, starting form 6 April 2016. Salary 153 dkk/h brutto, paid accommodation. Avarage monthly salary about 10500 PLN/mth netto. Candidates interested please send cv at danieljurkiewicz12@gmail.com

Mar, 01
I am looking for 4 welders to Denmark welding in aluminium method 131 and 141 – experienced in welding with robots. Job for 6-8 months, salary 153 dkk/h brutto + paid accommodation (100 dkk/day), job for 160-180 hours per month. Contract with Danish company. Candidates interested please send cv at danieljurkiewicz12@gmail.com with annotation in subject: "welder – aluminium robot welding in Denmark"

Feb, 18
I am looking for one welder 141, that can do also work as pipe-fitter to work in Denmark, Tiesdet. Job only now for 3-4 weeks, work 52 hours per week, salary 153 dkk/h brutto, paid accommodation. Nett salary for work for period 3 weeks after deduction of accommodation about 8100 PLN netto. Start 22.02.2016. Candidates interested please send application at danieljurkiewicz12@gmail.com with annotation: welder 141 to Denamrk

Feb, 15
We need urgently 1 welder 141/ pipe fitter to go today to Norway (Haugesund), flight tommorrow at 10:00 am from the airport Gdańsk. Working for a longer period, the rate of 175 DKK / h gross (72 zł / h nett) monthly salary of approx. 17500 zł net, free accommodation and air transport.
Requires a valid certificate of welding 141 for black steel and steel
The flight today, so please call only those people who would be interested in such an outlet today. The work tomorrow morning. work experience: Ability to weld 141 and work as a pipe fitter required Norwegian tax number, Hotwork. We are looking urgently person because another worker at this place did not show up today, unfortunately, at the airport.
The agreement with the Danish company under the terms of Danish, work for a longer period- 220 hours per month or more. Contact Daniel Jurkiewicz tel 535177277

Feb, 11
I am looking for 1 pipe-fitter that also welds 141 to weld in black steel, job in Bergen, for a long term, provided free accommodation and free flightS from Poland to Norway and back – salary 175 dkk/h brutto, MONTHLY SALARY 16500 pln netto/month. Flight on Friday. Candidates interested please send Cv at email danieljurkiewicz12@gmail.com

Feb, 10
I am looking for 2 welders 136 to work in shipyards in Skagen or Svendborg – repairs of ships. Job for a long term, salary 153 dkk/h brutto, paid accommodation, monthly nett about 12.000 PLN netto. Must speak communicative English. Good if candidate has own car. Caniddates are requested to send Cv at danieljurkiewicz12@gmail.com with annottation: "welders 136 to repairs in Denmark"

Feb, 08
I am looking for a welder 136 with valid certificate 136 FW BW >3mm for job in shipyard Skagen. Job for a longer time. Salary 153 dkk/h brutto, paid accommodation (3000 dkk/mth). Candidates interested please send CV at email: danieljurkiewicz12@gmail.com with annotation "welder 136 to Skagen"

Feb, 05
I am looking for 1 welder 131, for welding alumnium in Norway. Job for a long time – 10 months, salart from 175 dkk/h brutto, working 220 hours per months, free accommodation, free tranport from Poland to Norway and back. Work in workshop. Candidates interested please send application with valid certificate at: danieljurkiewicz12@gmail.com with annotation: "welder 131 aluminium to Norway"

Feb, 01
I am looking for one 136 welder urgently, work in Denmark Brande. Flight today from Gdansk to Billund, job for 1 month or longer.
Required a valid certificate 136 FW BW> 3 mm.
The salary of 153 DKK / hour gross, work 9,5 hours a day, work on Saturdays and Sundays, paid accommodation (3000 DKK / month). Net salary after deducting the cost of accommodation approx. 15,000 net zł. The flight today in Gdansk at 20:00 p.m. The contract with the Danish company on Danish conditions.
Candidates interested please contact me at phone number 0048535177277

Jan, 17
We need 2 more welders to finishing wind-towers to Denmark. Long term job. Needed valid welding certificate 136, exerience in finishing wind towers, arc air gouging, weling on x-rays. Salary 153 dkk/h brutto, paid accommodation (cost: 100 dkk/day). Avarage monthly salary 12.000-13.000 PLN/month netto. Candidates interested please send appliation at danieljurkiewicz12@gmail.com with annotaion in subject: "welder 136 wind towers Denmark"

Jan, 15
Looking for 2 welders welding 136 – 111 with height certificates, valid Hotwork certificate and Norwegian Tax number for work for 4 weeks in Bergen, Norway. Welding on construction site. Salary 175 dkk/h brutto, free accommodation, free flights from Poland to Norway and back. Job for 4 weeks. Candidates are requested to send application at email danieljurkiewicz12@gmail.com

Jan, 11
We are searching for 2 welders 136 to work in Denmark with wind towers – air arc gouging, fixing bad welding, welding with X-ray checking, making wind towers finishing. Work for longer time. Salary 153 dkk/h brutto, paid accommodation 100 dkk/day. We need valid welding certificate 136 FW BW >3mm and experince with welding wind towers. Candidates interested please send applications at email danieljurkiewicz12@gmail.com