Attention! This job posting is 3386 days old and might be already filled.
Findworker October 16, 2015
Eindhoven, Netherlands
Job Type


I am looking for workers to work for 1 year in Holland, Best near Eindhoven in milking cows. Needed English language communicative and a driving licence. Workers will be first trained for 3-5 weeks in Holland, during when the will receive 90% of normal salary, then there is salary 9,81 EUR/h brutto. Avarage salary per month nett, after deductoion cost of acommodation and insurance is total 5000-6000 PLN nett (in probabation period 4500 PLN) including perks for holiday salary. Cadidates interested please contact me at with subject in email ” worker for milking cows in Holland”