Eindhoven, Netherlands
Sep, 05
We are looking for 3 roofers to smołowania and putting roofing on flat roofs. Working in the Netherlands, around Eindhoven. Working from 12.09.2016 r. Required experience as a roofer at smołowaniu, putting roofing on flat roofs, etc.. Requires knowledge of English / Dutch or German. The remuneration of EUR 500 / week net for 40 hours of work per week. average monthly salary of about 8700 PLN / month net – accommodation and insurance Ability to overwork more hours. Work to December. Transport at the expense of the employee. Those interested in a job offer, please send your CV to the email address danieljurkiewicz12@gmail.com with a note in "3 roofers to the Netherlands"   Szukamy 3 dekarzy do smołowania i kładzenia papy na dachy płaskie. Praca w Holandii, okolice Eindhoven. Praca od 12.09.2016 r. Wymagane doświadczenie jako dekarz przy smołowaniu, kładzeniu papy na dachy płaskie itp. Wymagana znajomość języka angielskiego / holenderskiego lub niemieckiego. Wynagrodzenie 500 EUR/tydzień netto za 40 godzin pracy tygodniowo. średnie wynagrodzenie miesięczne ok 8700 PLN/mc netto – zakwaterowanie i ubezpieczenie Możliwość przepracowania większej ilości godzin. Praca do grudnia. Transport na koszt pracownika. Osoby zainteresowane ofertą pracy proszę o przesłanie CV na adres email danieljurkiewicz12@gmail.com z dopiskiem w temacie "3 dekarzy do Holandii" Co kilka dni zamieszczamy na findworker.pl nowe ogłoszenia dotyczące pracy dla pracowników z Polski w firmach skandynawskich w Danii, Norwegii, Finlandii, Szwecji oraz w Holandii, Niemczech i Belgii. Oferty pracy w firmach zagranicznych na prace budowlane, stoczniowe i prace fizyczne w gospodarstwach rolnych. Wejdź na findworker.pl i naciśnij Lubię to, aby widzieć nowe oferty na swoim facebooku.
Bergen, Norway
Sep, 02
We are looking for 2 fitters facades – aluminum casings for office. Working in Bergen from 05.09. Required experience working as a fitter facades. Communicative English level. Obligatory Norwegian tax number. Salary 181.5 nok / h gross, 37.5 hours per week, 160 hours per month. Paid accommodation 5000 nok / month. Average monthly salary 7000-7200 zł / month net (after deduction of costs of accommodation). Work for a few months. Please send your CV along with phone numbers for references. The Norwegian company before taking the employee will want to talk to the candidate by Skype. Persons interested in job offer, please send your CV to danieljurkiewicz12@gmail.com with a note in the "fitter facades – Bergen."   Szukamy 2 monterów fasad – obudowy aluminiowe na biurowce. Praca w Norwegii Wymagane doświadczenie w pracy jako monter fasad. Język angielski komunikatywny. Niezbędny norweski numer podatkowy. Wynagrodzenie 181,5 nok /h brutto, tygodniowo 37,5 godzin, 160 godzin miesięcznie. Płatne zakwaterowanie 5000 nok/mc. Średnie wynagrodzenie miesięczne 7000-7200 zł/mc netto (po odliczeniu kosztów zakwaterowania). Praca na kilka miesięcy. Prosimy o przesłanie wraz z CV numery telefonów do referencji. Firma Norweska przed przyjęciem pracownika będzie chciała porozmawiać z kandydatem przez Skype. Osoby zainteresowane oferta pracy prosimy o przesłanie CV na adres danieljurkiewicz12@gmail.com z dopiskiem w temacie "monter fasad – Bergen". Co kilka dni zamieszczamy na findworker.pl nowe ogłoszenia dotyczące pracy dla pracowników z Polski w firmach skandynawskich w Danii, Norwegii, Finlandii, Szwecji oraz w Holandii, Niemczech i Belgii. Oferty pracy w firmach zagranicznych na prace budowlane, stoczniowe i prace fizyczne w gospodarstwach rolnych. Wejdź na findworker.pl i naciśnij Lubię to, aby widzieć nowe oferty na swoim facebooku.
Venlo, Netherlands
Aug, 23
We are looking for the welder to 141 black and stainless steel. Working in the Netherlands from 29.08 Required experience as a TIG welder, a valid certificate is required 141. communicative English. The rate of 12 eur / h Net + accommodation. 45 hours per week (180 hours per month) Average net wage of about 9400 PLN / month. Working for a month or longer. Candidate interested please send cv at email: danieljurkiewicz12@gmail.com with annotation in subject: "welder TIG -Holland"     Szukamy spawacza 141 do stali czarnej i nierdzewnej. Praca w Holandii od 29.08 Wymagane doświadczenie jako spawacz TIG, ważny certyfikat 141. Wymagany komunikatywny język angielski. Stawka 12 eur/h netto + zakwaterowanie. Tygodniowo 45 godzin ( 180 godzin miesięcznie) Średnie wynagrodzenie netto ok 9400 PLN/mc. Praca na miesiąc lub dłużej. Osoby zainteresowane pracą proszę o podesłanie Cv na adres danieljurkiewicz12@gmail.com z dopiskiem w temacie " spawacz 141 do Holandii" Co kilka dni zamieszczamy na findworker.pl nowe ogłoszenia dotyczące pracy dla pracowników z Polski w firmach skandynawskich w Danii, Norwegii, Finlandii, Szwecji oraz w Holandii, Niemczech i Belgii. Oferty pracy w firmach zagranicznych na prace budowlane, stoczniowe i prace fizyczne w gospodarstwach rolnych. Wejdź na findworker.pl i naciśnij Lubię to, aby widzieć nowe oferty na swoim facebooku.
Rotterdam, Netherlands
Aug, 19
I am looking for a professional painter with VCA certificate to Holland, Rotterdam, work in interior houses and also in offices, experienced with working on dry rot, high quality of service. Must have own car, basic tools, good English language. Working 160 hours month, salary 15 or 16 EUR/h brutto depending on experience and successful trail period. Accommodation paid 60 EUR/week. Job for 3 months, start as soon as possible. Candidates interested please send cv at email: danieljurkiewicz12@gmail.com with annotation in subject: "painter to Rotterdam"     Poszukujemy profesjonalnych malarzy do malowania wnętrz w Holandii, praca w Rotterdamie. Praca na dłuższy okres czasu, możliwe zajazdy do Polski co 5-6 tygodni na tydzień do Polski. Wymagane duże doświadczenie jako malarz pomieszczeń – malowanie mieszkań i biur. Wymagany komunikatywny język angielski, mile widziany własny samochód, narzędzia oraz VCA (jeśli osoba nie posiada VCA może wyrobić taki certyfikat w Holandii, a koszt będzie potrącony z wynagrodzenia) Opis dodatkowy: Wynagrodzenie 15-16 EUR/h brutto, odpłatne zakwaterowanie. Praca 160 h miesięcznie. Średnie wynagrodzenie miesieczne to ok. 6200-7000 zł/mc netto po odliczeniu kosztów zakwaterowania. Praca na 3 miesiące lub dłuższy okres czasu. Ooby zainteresowane pracą proszę o podesłania cv na adres email: danieljurkiewicz12@gmail.com z dopiskiem w temacie: "malarz wnętrz do Holandii" Co kilka dni zamieszczamy na findworker.pl nowe ogłoszenia dotyczące pracy dla pracowników z Polski w firmach skandynawskich w Danii, Norwegii, Finlandii, Szwecji oraz w Holandii, Niemczech i Belgii. Oferty pracy w firmach zagranicznych na prace budowlane, stoczniowe i prace fizyczne w gospodarstwach rolnych. Wejdź na findworker.pl i naciśnij Lubię to, aby widzieć nowe oferty na swoim facebooku. <h5></h5>
Bergen, Norway
Aug, 16
We are looking for 4 assemblers ventilation buildings. Working in Bergen from 22.08. Required experience working as a fitter ventilation. Communicative English level. Salary 190 kr / h gross per week 45 hours (guaranteed 37.5 hours per week), about 180 hours per month. Paid accommodation 5000 nok / month. Average monthly salary 8500 zł / month net (after deduction of costs of accommodation). The cost of travel to the employee. Jobs for 2-3 months or until the end of the year. Please send your CV along with phone numbers for references. The Norwegian company before taking the employee will want to talk to the candidate by Skype. Persons interested in job offer, please send your CV to danieljurkiewicz12@gmail.com with a note in the "fitter ventilation – Bergen."
Bergen, Norway
Aug, 16
We are looking for 2 employees in the production of aluminum windows and doors. Working in Bergen from 22.08. Working in a manufacturing company. Required experience in the production of aluminum windows and doors and the glass. Communicative English level. Remuneration 181.5 nok / h gross, 37.5 hours per week, 160 hours per month. Paid accommodation 5000 nok / month. Average monthly salary 7000-7200 zł / month net (after deduction of costs of accommodation). The cost of travel to the employee. The work by the end of September. Please send your CV along with phone numbers for references. The Norwegian company before taking the employee will want to talk to the candidate by Skype. Persons interested in job offer, please send your CV to danieljurkiewicz12@gmail.com with a note in the "production of aluminum windows and doors – Bergen."
Turku, Finland
Aug, 08
We are looking for 2-3 workers for making salads in Finland near Turku. Work from 15.08. For a long period of time. Requires communicative English, welcome driving. Experience is not required. There may be a couple. The salary of about 4000-4200 PLN / month, after deducting the costs of accommodation (160-220 Euro) + insurance. In addition, 12.5% holiday allowance of about 550zł. Rooms fully equipped, good standard, wi-fi. Working for a longer period of time – until the end of the year or longer. Information on jobs provide worker Margaret Hein. Those interested please send your CV with photo to the address malgorzataheina@gmail.com marked "employee factory salads Finland"
Bergen, Norway
Aug, 01
I am looking for 5  to facades fitters to work on glass/aluminium office buildings in Bergen, job for 3-4 months. Start 6.08. Needed experience in Norway, references, English languge good or enough to communicate. Job with 38-45 hours per week. Salary 181 nok/h brutto, paid accommodation (5000 NOK/month). Salary about 15000 nok/month netto inc. accommodation. Tools , safety clothes and shoes will be provided by company. Accommodation provided with standard equipment, internet. Candidates interested please send cv at email danieljurkiewicz12@gmail.com with annotation in subject: "facades fitters Norway"
Bergen, Norway
Aug, 01
I am looking for 4-5 painters to finish interior rooms in houses in Bergen, job for 1-2 months but possible longer. Start 5-6.08. Needed experience in Norway, good references, English language good or enough to communicate. Job with 38 hours per week, no overtime hours. Salary 181 nok/h brutto, paid accommodation (5000 NOK/month). Salary about 14000 nok/month netto with accoomodation. Tools, safety clothes and shoes will be provided by company. Accommodation with standard equipment, internet. Candidates interested please send cv at email danieljurkiewicz12@gmail.com with annotation in subject: "painters to houses Norway"
Pretoria, South Africa
Jul, 23
I am looking for 6 welders 136/138 for welding frames for wind towers in South Africa. Job for 3 months, start August 2016. Welders need to have experience with welding frames and wind mills, pass x-ray checkings. Work 12 hour per day. Needed communicative English, good health. Salary 153 dkk/h brutto, free accommodation free flights, incentives for food. Candidates interested please send CV at email danieljurkiewicz12@gmail.com with annotation in subject: "windtowers welders 136/138 to South Africa"
Bremen, Germany
Jul, 22
We are looking for 2 fitters hull / Ironworker to Germany, working in the yard in Bremen, Heinen en Hopman. For a longer period of time. Required experience in MIG-MAG – vaccination work in shipbuilding and welding pipes. Experience in working burner and grinders. Required communicative language english girls and one car for two people. Working away 15 minutes from the accommodation. Working from July 25-27. Employment conditions for Germany. Monthly salary of about 8000-8200 PLN / month (net 10 EUR / h net working 180-190 h mc) + accommodation (room 2-person). Those interested in the work, please contact us or send your CV to danieljurkiewicz12@gmail.com with a note in the "2 fitters / Ironworker to Germany."
Limburg, Netherlands
Jul, 21
Seeking 2 painters to work in the Netherlands town of Limburg. Painters wall painting. Working from 2 August. Working for a longer period of time. Salary approx. 7900-8400 PLN / month (net 450-480 EUR / week) plus accommodation and insurance. Employment by the Dutch on Dutch conditions. Required communicative English and welcome car. The required number of Dutch SOFI. Please people interested send CV to the email address marked "2 painters in the Netherlands": malgorzataheina@gmail.com
Eindhoven, Netherlands
Jul, 14
We are looking for 2 facades buildlayers of houses in the Netherlands – Eindhoven. Work on laying facades on houses and bricklaying. Work at 1-2 months, or longer if workers will be propiate. Work starts on July 18. Required communicative English or German, one car for 2 people. The salary EUR 11 / h netto + free accommodation (rooms 1-2 person + internet, basic equipment) work 45 hours per week. The average salary 8000-8500 PLN / month netto. Candidates interested in this job offer, please send your CV at email danieljurkiewicz12@gmail.com
Bremen, Germany
Jul, 13
We are looking for 2 ventilation fitters to work at the shipyard in Bremen- with luxury yachts. Required experience as a fitter ventilation and with working conditions. Working start 18-19.07 Working for a longer period of time, the beginning of the trial for 1 month. Required communicative English or German. Welcome but not necessary car. The salary of EUR 11 / h net, working 45 hours a week, approx. 180 hours per month. Free accommodation and insurance. Average monthly salary approx. 8600 PLN / month net. Candidates interested in this job offer, please send CV to malgorzataheina@gmail.com with a note on the topic: "fitter ventilation to Germany"
Esbjerg, Denmark
Jul, 08
I am looking for 1 hulls plater to Denmark, Esbjerg, work for 4 weeks, a lot of working hours. The rate of 153 DKK / h gross, paid accommodation. Work on installation of jackets, masts. The average salary for 4 weeks (240-280 h) is approx. 14000 zł-16000zł / month net. Required own car to travel, work from Monday 07.11.2016. Candidates interested, please send cv at email danieljurkiewicz12@gmail.com
Utrecht, Netherlands
Jul, 07
Looking for 2 assemblers of ventilation sytems to the Netherlands, working in Utrecht, the project in renovation in school – work for 4 weeks, however, if the person will be good worker can work immediately in other projects in the Netherlands\. We are looking for 2 independent installers who know the technical drawing. Required communicative English and one car for 2 people. The salary 440 EUR / week netto + free accommodation and insurance. The average monthly net salary 7700-8000 PLN / month net. Work from Monday 07.11.2016. Candidates interested please send CV to my email address danieljurkiewicz12@gmail.com with a note in subject: "fitter ventilation to the Netherlands"
Almere, Netherlands
Jul, 06
Seeking for 2 roofers of tile glaze on rooftops. The salary about 8600 zł netto / month net plus free accommodation and insurance. Jobs in Almere, Netherlands, start from Monday 11 July. Working on a minimum of two months. Employment by the Dutch company on Dutch conditions. Salary paid every week. Required communicative English and car for 2 persons. Candidates interested in a job offer, please send CV marked "2 roofers tile roofs Netherlands"
Thisdet, Denmark
Jul, 06
We are looking for two welders 135 to Denmark for a period of 3-4 weeks. Departure on Sunday, July 10, work from Monday July 11 hours 7. Work steel structures. The rate of 153 DKK / h, operating time 10 hours a day + half hour break. Requires a valid certificate 135 FW and BW communicative English. Own car welcome. Commuting by car at his own expense. The accommodation provided. The remuneration of about 9200 zł for three weeks of work after deduction of accommodation. Ability to work for a longer period of time. Reunions home usually every 4-5 weeks after agreement with the supervisor of. Please people interested send CV to the email address with a note welder 135 to Denmark: danieljurkiewicz12@gmail.com
Thisdet, Denmark
Jun, 30
I am looking for 2 welders 135, with valid welding certificate 135 fw bw to work in Denmark, Thisdet. Must have experience not only as welders but also as blacksmith, know technical drawings. Job for 2-3 months. Salary 153 dkk/h brutto + paid accommodation (100 dkk/day). Candidates are requested to send applicatin at email danieljurkiewicz12@gmail.com with annotation "welder 135 to Denmark"
Haugesund, Norway
Jun, 23
2 welders 138/136 BW-FW to Haugesund Norway, come Sunday 26.06 work Monday. At start, 2 weeks work, than one week off and then com platform in Yard for reparation. Salary 153 dkk/h brutto, free accommodation, free transport. Needed valid certificates 136/138, good English. Candidates interested please send application at email: danieljurkiewicz12@gmail.com

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