Aug, 03
I am looking for 1 sandblaster to Norway, Mosjøen – sandblasting oven for smelting aluminium, frames for trucks, steel constructions. Best if worker can weld 136 (good if has valid welding certificates). Needed good English language. Job for longer term, needed worker who is willing to stay minimum 2-3 months. Job for 50 hours per week, start as soon as possible. Salary 180 nok/h brutto, paid accommodation (2500 nok/month), paid transport. Monthly salary 10.000-11.000 PLN/month netto. Candidates interested in this job offer please end cv at email: danieljurkiewicz12@gmail.com with annotation in subject: "sandblaster welder 136 to Norway"

Jul, 29
I am looking for 1 hulls-plater to work in shipyard in Skagen. Job start from 01.08. Needed hulls-plater with experience with repairs of old ships. Salary 153 dkk/h brutto, paid accommodation 100 dkk/day. Job for long-term. Candidates interested please send cv at email: danieljurkiewicz12@gmail.com

Jul, 25
I am looking for 5 plumbers to work in instalations of water pipes and instalation of radiators in hospital in Berlin, Germany. Salary 12 EUR/h netto + free accommodation. Job for long term. Needed experinced plumbers with car. Start August 2016. Candidiates interested in this job offer please send cv at email address danieljurkiewicz12@gmail.com with annotation "plumbers to Germany"

Jul, 25
I am looking for 2 electricians speaking good German to work in 2 projects: one is changing wires on electric slopes, needed good German language, working on heights; second project – work in hospital in Berlin, work with electric instalations, electric boards, wires, electricty, lights. Both projects long term contrats. salary 12 EUR/h netto + free accommodation, hiring by German company on German bases. Start start od August 2016. Candidates interested please send cv at email danieljurkiewicz12@gmail.com with annotation in subject: "electricians to Germany"

Jul, 13
I am looking for 1 welder 136 to shipyard in Denmark, Skagen. Job for long period. Needed welding certificate 136 fw bw, own car, communicative English language. Here welding old ships, repairs. Salary 153 dkk/h brutto + paid accommodation. Monthly slaary after deducting cost of accommodation about 12000 PLN/mth netto. Candidates intereted pleae send Cv at email danieljurkiewicz12@gmail.com with note in subject: "welder 136 to Skagen"

Jun, 30
I am looking for 2 plasterboard fitters to make ceilings in Holland, job for a long-term. Needed experience, own car, own tools, communicative English, good if have Sofi numbers. Salary 11 EUR/h netto, free accommodation, insurance. Job 40 hours/week. Candidates interested please send application at email danieljurkiewicz12@gmail.com with annotation in subject: "plasterboard fitters for making ceilings in Holland"

Jun, 30
We are looking for 6 welders TIG / MIG to work in the Netherlands with welding silos (dairy industry and breweries).
Required extensive experience in welding TIG / MIG stainless steel food industry (3 mm-8 mm), VERY ACCURATE WELDING, moreover, required knowledge of technical drawing and the ability to work with pipe fitting tubes, ability to work with the installer. Here welding silos and tanks for milk and beer. Requires good knowledge of English, good if own car.
Working since June 27 for a long period of time. The rate of 12 EUR / h Net + free accommodation and some extra for local transport. Avarage monthly net salary of PLN 9500 – 10500 PLN / month net. Candidates interested please send Cv at email address danieljurkiewicz12@gmail.com

Jun, 22
I am looking for a scaffolder with a car to Sweden for work for long-term, job in different areas in Sweden, Lomma near Malmo. Requirements: experience working as a scaffolder, certificates, communicative English, 1 person with own car. Salary 10 EUR/h nett. Free accommodation. Daily 10-12 hours per day, monthly 180-220 working hours. Avarage salary +2000 EUR nett. Candidates interested in this job offer are requested to send Cv at email danieljurkiewicz12@gmail.com with annonation: "scaffolder to Sweden"

Jun, 18
I am looking for 2 scaffolders to Sweden for work for long-term, job in different areas in weden, mostly Goteborg and Malme. Requirements: experience working as a scaffolder, certificates, communicative English, 1 person with own car. Salary 9 EUR/h nett + 0,5 EUR/h add for transport from place of accommodation to place of work. Free accommodation. Daily 10-12 hours per day, monthly 180-220 working hours. Avarage salary 1800-2000 EUR nett. Candidates interested in this job offer are requested to send Cv at email danieljurkiewicz12@gmail.com with annonation: "scaffolder to Sweden"

Jun, 10
We need a fitter 1 plasterboard fitter with a car to the Netherlands, Nijmegen.
Job for a longer period of time (a group of workers move from one project to next).
Required experience and own car ( going with the second our fitter K / G).
Departure on Sunday, start work on Monday.
The salary EUR 11 / h netto + free accommodation, work 8-9 hours a day on Saturdays possible if worker is okay.
The agreement with a Dutch company on Dutch conditions, payments every week.
Candidates interested please contact me by phone or spreading CV to the email address: danieljurkiewicz12@gmail.com marked "Platerboard fitter to the Netherlands)

Jun, 03
I am looking for 3 plasterboard fitters to work in Nejmingen with installing plasterboard, finish of rooms. Job for a long-term period. Needed a car for 3 workers and communicative English language, own tools. Salary 11 EUR/h netto + free accommodation. Avarage salary 7500 PLN-8000 PLN/mth netto. Candidates interested please send cv at email danieljurkiewicz12@gmail.com with annotation in subject: "plasterboard fitters to Holland"

May, 26
I am looking for 1 pipe-fitter / plumber to work with luxury yachts in Holland in shipyard in Vlissingen. Needed experience on shipyards, working on ships, passenger ships or luxury yachts, good English, own car. Required experience with plumbing and pipefitting, especially also sanitairy. Salary € 12 after all deductions, free accommodation. Job for a long-term. About 200 hours/month. Candidates interested in this job offer please send applications at email danieljurkiewicz12@gmail.com with annotation in subject: "plumber/pipefitter to Holland"

May, 09
I am looking for a supervisor/ foreman to Denmark to work in shipyard in Skagen. Job for a long-term period, work with old ships, supervising hullsplaters and welders. Needed good English language. Salary between 12.000-15.000 PLN/mth netto. Candidates interested are requested to send application at email: danieljurkiewicz12@gmail.com with annotation "supervisor to shipyard in Skagen

May, 02
I am looking for 1 sheet metal technology mechanical engineer to Hollad that will draw and design in AutoCAD and Inventor 3D – for producing sheet metal for air conditioning and workplace drawings. Salary 2000-2500 EUR/mth brutto, netto salary after deduction of accommodation and insurance 5000 PLN – 6500 PLN/mth. Job for a long term. Good English language required. Candidates interested in this job offer please send CV at email danieljurkiewicz12@gmail.com with subject in annoattion" autocad sheet metal engineer"

Apr, 25
I am looking for 2 welders method 135 and 136 to weld thin plates 6mm – wind turbines, job in Frederikshavn, Denmark for 3 weeks or more. Needed valid welding certificates 135 and 136, communicative English language, large experience in welding thin plates, one car for 2 welders. Salary 153 dkk/h brutto, paid accommodation 100 dkk/day. Job start as soon as possible. Candidates interested please send cv at email danieljurkiewicz12@gmail.com with annotation in subject: "welders 135 136 to Frederikshavn"

Apr, 20
I am looking for 3 workers with a car to work in company near airport in Maastricht, Holland to work with cleaning ad repairing transport boxes. Required 1 car for 3 workers, communicative English language. Job for a long-time period. Company provides for workers free accommodation and free insurance. Generally working 40 hours per week. Salary 992 EUR/month nett+ overtime hours+ holiday money. Candidates interested please send application at email danieljurkiewicz12@gmail.com with anotation in subject: "workers for cleaning boxes in Maastricht"

Apr, 14
I am looking for 1 worker to work in large cow farm in Finland. Required communicative English, experience with working with cows and driving tractor. Working 8 hours a day, 180 hours a month. Full-time job. The salary 8.19 EUR / h net, but the employee pays for accommodation (deducted from the salary of 120 or 200 Euros, depending on the standard of accommodation). The average monthly net salary, after deducting the costs of accommodation are net of EUR 1,250 (5000 zł net)
Accommodation in fully equipped. The contract with Finnish on Finnish conditions. The salary comes with holiday allowance in the amount of 12.5% of gross salary. The required language is English communicative and driving licence, good if have own car. The cost of transport is beared by employee. Candidates interested please send your application danieljurkiewicz12@gmail.com with subject "work to cow farm Finland."

Apr, 07
I am looking for 2 plasterboard fitters for making ceiling and indoor constroctions and renovations of walls in Germany, Limburg. Job for 3-5 months, salary 11 EUR/h netto + free accommodation, avarage salary netto per month 8000-8500 PLN/month netto. Needed workers speaking German, with Sofi number, some basic tools. Candidates interested please send CV at email danieljurkiewicz12@gmail.com with annotation: plasterboard to Germany

Apr, 06
Looking for 1 operator CNC grinder for processing and grinding tools, for example drills. Working for an extended period (1 year or more) in the Netherlands. Salary 16 EUR / h gross. Average monthly salary net of the cost of accommodation is approx. 7500 zł / month net.
Experience / seniority: – selection, the exchange of appropriate tools;
– Quality control of manufactured products.
– Professional experience as an operator of CNC grinders;
– Independence in carrying out tasks;
– Responsibility and precision;
– Good knowledge of technical drawing.
Additional skills: required a good knowledge of English, own car.
Candidates interested in a job offer, please send your CV at email address danieljurkiewicz12@gmail.com

Mar, 01
I am looking for 4 welders to Denmark welding in aluminium method 131 and 141 – experienced in welding with robots. Job for 6-8 months, salary 153 dkk/h brutto + paid accommodation (100 dkk/day), job for 160-180 hours per month. Contract with Danish company. Candidates interested please send cv at danieljurkiewicz12@gmail.com with annotation in subject: "welder – aluminium robot welding in Denmark"